Translations in any language

For 30 years, we have been carrying out top quality professional translations, guaranteeing the best result in the shortest time.
Both large and small Companies contact us every day to request the translation of their certificates and various other documents, manuals, legal contracts, balance sheets etc. We are also one of the official translation companies for the British Government in Italy.

Our main languages are:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese


We also do translations to and from:

  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Arabic


And thanks to the expertise of our team we work with any language combination!

Caledonian never skimps on quality!

This is why all Caledonian translators are always professionals with experience in the relevant sector who only translate into their mother tongue



We translate any language combination of any document, for example:
Web sites,
and construction documents,
advertising, marketing ….

Financial Translations
and Balance Sheets

We translate any type of banking documentation but we are specialised in the translation of Company balance sheets. We have a team of very experienced mother-tongue translators who are specialised in this sector.
The translated balance sheet is sworn at court and delivered to the client in book form, paged exactly like the original.

Legal Translations

Contracts, court judgments, expert reports and other legal documents are what we do every day.
The added value of our translators?
Legal training and experience.

Revisions and Quality Control

Carried out by a second translator to ensure the Caledonian standard, this option is at the client’s discretion and obligatory in the case where a sworn translation is required or in order to take advantage of the Caledonian Guarantee.

Legalised and Sworn Translations

Documents like balance sheets, Company statutes, damage claims etc. must almost always be sworn at the city court who will officially stamp the document. This is normal practice for us. Legalization (or apostille) certifies the legal validity and authenticity of a public official's signature on a sworn document. It is usually used for Italian documents and acts that need to have value abroad and vice versa.


We translate driver's licenses, birth certificates, marriage certificates and any personal document that does not need to be notarized or legalized but requires a certificate of authenticity and the translator's signature.


We translate any language combination of any document, for example:
Web sites,
and construction documents,
advertising, marketing ….

Financial Translations
and Balance Sheets

We translate any type of banking documentation but we are specialised in the translation of Company balance sheets. We have a team of very experienced mother-tongue translators who are specialised in this sector.
The translated balance sheet is sworn at court and delivered to the client in book form, paged exactly like the original.

Legal Translations

Contracts, court judgments, expert reports and other legal documents are what we do every day.
The added value of our translators?
Legal training and experience.

Revisions and Quality Control

Carried out by a second translator to ensure the Caledonian standard, this option is at the client’s discretion and obligatory in the case where a sworn translation is required or in order to take advantage of the Caledonian Guarantee.

Legalised and Sworn Translations

Documents like balance sheets, Company statutes, damage claims etc. must almost always be sworn at the city court who will officially stamp the document. This is normal practice for us. Legalization (or apostille) certifies the legal validity and authenticity of a public official's signature on a sworn document. It is usually used for Italian documents and acts that need to have value abroad and vice versa.


We translate driver's licenses, birth certificates, marriage certificates and any personal document that does not need to be notarized or legalized but requires a certificate of authenticity and the translator's signature.


We believe in the value of our work and we love to have satisfied customers! That's why we resolve any problems with our translations up to 30 days after delivery!